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Finding An Attorney

February Attorney Referral Service Recap: 2021


It’s time for a February attorney referral service recap!

As we come to the end of the month, we must look at all of our resources that help us better understand our legal needs. This means educating ourselves about how to avoid probate in California, understanding the elements of assault, what to ask for in a divorce settlement, how to deal with racial discrimination in the workplace, and California bankruptcy exemptions.

Read further for more details.

How to Avoid Probate in California

Many people cringe when they hear the word probate. Maybe they have had a bad experience with a probate case or maybe they have heard the stories. Either way, it is no secret that most people want their estate to stay out of probate court when they die.

Upon your death – or the death of a loved one – grief and emotions will be running high. The last thing anyone wants to think of is a public display of personal business and a long-lasting court case.

What does this mean for you? Well, if you want to offer a bit of solace in a time of death, plan now for the future. Learn how to avoid probate in California and put a plan in place to do just that.

Read the full article.

Understanding the Elements of Assault

Within our criminal justice system, certain terms are often thrown around when it comes to various acts, arrests, and charges. For instance, some of the most common reasons for arrest include aggravated assault, assault and battery, rape or sexual assault, homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, assault with intent, and so forth. That is a lot of assault, isn’t it?

Have you ever known anyone to be charged with assault? Do you know what assault entails? Could you define it? Assault is a common charge, but one that has a variety of different angles and elements.

Let’s take a deeper look at California’s law so we can develop an understanding of the elements of assault.

Read the full article.

All About What to Ask for in a Divorce Settlement

The wedding day came and went. Nobody ever gets married and assumes that there will one day be a divorce. It happens, yes, but nobody wants to plan for it. Divorces can get ugly and painful. They can rip families apart and show the deepest, darkest sides of those involved. Then again, for some, a divorce is simple and easy – allowing each party to amicably move forward with life and leaving behind the marriage that once was.

Though, divorce is so much more than just ending a marriage. It also means separating assets and debts and determining custody decisions for children, if there are any.

No matter how much we try to avoid them, divorces bring emotions. It is only natural. Therefore, it is so important to seek guidance when it comes to creating a divorce settlement. You cannot let your emotions run the show for you – or you may end up regretting some of your decisions. So, before you walk into that meeting or mediation, be sure that you are clear on what to ask for in your divorce settlement. Know what you want in it and what you do not – before you sign anything.

Read the full article.

How to Deal with Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

Talking about race and discrimination can make a lot of people uncomfortable. And, it is probably why many of these conversations never even happen. It is easier that way, right? It is easier to pretend that it does not exist than to do something about it.

Well, let’s just say that it is easy to pretend that it doesn’t exist – if you aren’t the one being discriminated against.

In 2019, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reported that there were over 72,000 charges of workplace discrimination. At least 33% of these charges are due to racial discrimination. A large number of those charges come from employees in the state of California.

So, what can you do if you find yourself on the receiving end of this discrimination? How can it be dealt with? Let’s talk.

Read the full article.

California Bankruptcy Exemptions: An Overview

Nobody wants to file bankruptcy. For one reason or another, bankruptcy has always had a stigma attached to it – something that no one wants to have hanging over their head. But, the truth is that bankruptcy is often the only option people are faced with when burdened with financial struggles. It is important to note, too, that those struggles are not always the result of personal failure, but of circumstances outside of one’s control.

During bankruptcy proceedings, it feels like there is a public display of all one’s assets, expenses, and so forth. The entire process is not the most comfortable thing in the world, but it can lead to a huge weight being lifted off the shoulders. And, well, that always feels good.

One of the most common questions bankruptcy lawyers receive from those inquiring about the process is what property will I be able to keep? Can I keep my home? My car? My wedding ring? While the answers may vary, we are going to take a look at the California bankruptcy exemptions.

Read the full article.


It can be tiresome to find the right information and facts about legal matters. But what we’ve gathered here is a great start to guide you in the right direction. Connect with a lawyer referral service for further assistance.

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