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Criminal Defense

How Can a Los Angeles Drug Crime Lawyer Help You?

How Can a Los Angeles Drug Crime Lawyer Help You? | SFVBA

It’s ideal to have a Los Angeles drug crime lawyer by your side in order for you to receive a fair case. This also means not allowing these charges to negatively impact your future.

Read more here about the details.


Being charged with a drug offense in California can leave you confused about what to do. You know that you probably should have representation, but you may also be feeling a bit down and out and unworthy of the extra help. So, you messed up. That is what happens in life – we all make mistakes, and, with any luck, we learn from them and move on.

The court system may ask you to pay the price for your crime. Once you do, you should be able to proceed with life as normal, shouldn’t you? Unfortunately, when it comes to drug crimes, a conviction on your record could follow you for years to come, affecting everything from your relationships, finances, and employment. Facing this drug crime charge alone can have a great impact on your future life – making the moving on part difficult.

Do not allow this one mistake to dictate how the rest of your life goes. Instead, let us talk about how a Los Angeles drug crime lawyer can help you.

Types of Drug Crimes

Years ago, certain drug offenses – such as minor drug possession – may have come with a hefty price. Though, in California, the laws have changed in recent years. Though there are many different charges one may incur for drug crimes, as well as various combinations, that can lead to lighter or more hefty penalties.

Below is a list of the most common drug crimes that find their way to Los Angeles courts:

  • Possession of Marijuana
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  • Possession of a Controlled Substance
  • Possession of Cocaine and/or Heroin
  • Transportation for Sale of a Controlled Substance
  • Possession of Ketamine
  • Possession of Adderall
  • Possession of Ecstasy
  • Possession of GHB
  • Possession of PCP
  • Possession of Xanax
  • Possession of Hydrocodone
  • Methamphetamine Manufacturing and/or Meth Labs
  • Possession of Methamphetamine

Keep in mind that each of these is not weighted equally. Speaking with an attorney can help you understand the charge and the impending penalty you may be facing.

Potential Charges

In 2014, Proposition 47 was voted into law in California. It changed how the courts handle drug crimes – and allowed for less incarceration and more rehabilitation. Many low-level drug crimes were reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor. They can use the savings from a reduction in incarcerated drug crime felons and apply it to crime prevention, mental health, and drug treatment at a community level. If you find yourself facing a charge for a drug crime, you may be very thankful for prop 47.

Below is a list of the most common drug crime charges:

HS11357 Possession of Marijuana

Possession of 28.5 grams or less of marijuana is an infraction that comes with a fine of up to $100.00. Those who are caught possessing more than 28.5 could result in a misdemeanor conviction, resulting in a punishment of up to six months in jail and a $500.00 fine. If the prosecution feels there was an intent to sell, however, this can quickly turn into a felony conviction with up to three years in jail.

HS11350 Possession of a Controlled Substance

According to this code in California, it is illegal to possess a controlled substance without having a valid prescription. These substances can be heroin, opiates, cocaine, and prescription drugs. To be convicted, the prosecutor must prove to the court that there was a usable amount of the controlled substance and that you possessed it, knew of its presence, and knew what it was.

If convicted, possessing a controlled substance can lead to a misdemeanor charge punishable by up to one year in jail.

HS11364 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

In California, it is illegal to possess any instrument, device, or other paraphernalia that is used to unlawfully smoke, inject, or otherwise consume a controlled substance. A prosecutor must be able to prove that you had such paraphernalia, knew of its presence, and knew what it was.

If convicted, you could face a misdemeanor charge punishable by a $1,000.00 fine and up to one year in jail.

HS11351 Possession of Cocaine and Heroin with Intent to Sell

Unlike the aforementioned charges, possessing substances such as cocaine and heroin with the intent to sell them is a felony in California. A prosecutor must be able to prove that you:

  • Were in possession of the substance.
  • Knew you were in possession of the substance.
  • Knew the nature of the substance.
  • Possessed enough to sell as a controlled substance.
  • Intended to sell the substance.

If convicted, one may face up to four years in jail and a $20,000.00 fine.

As there are many potential charges for drug crimes, there are many other potential outcomes. This is meant to give you an example of what you may face and how the court system handles the punishment. Some of these charges are automatically eligible for the state’s drug diversion program while others are not. Though, sometimes an experienced attorney can help make this possible.

Drug Diversion Program

Mostly reserved for non-violent, first-time offenders, California’s drug diversion program takes offenders out of the jail and into rehabilitative programs to help reduce recidivism. This may include any combination of drug education, drug testing, counseling, obtaining, and maintaining employment, etc. If the program is completed, the charges will be dismissed. If it is not completed, the original charge will be reinstated.

The defendant must enter a plea of guilty with the court. He or she will then be sentenced to probation (typically 36 months) during which time participation in the treatment program is required.

How an Attorney Can Help

What may seem like a minor blemish on your criminal record could have long-lasting impacts on your future. Do not take a misdemeanor as a minor thing. On the flip side, do not feel like your felony charge is too much for a diversion program.

Talk to an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the waters through your drug crime. The drug courts in Los Angeles work well to give offenders a hand at getting back on track in life – having a lawyer can help make sure you can take advantage of all that is available to you.

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