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Estate Planning

How to Find a Lawyer for Wills and Estates

If you’re interested in planning for the future, it’s best to find an experienced estate planning attorney who can help. These types of attorneys specialize in wills, trusts, and other areas of estate planning. Here’s how to find a lawyer for wills and estates.

How to Find a Lawyer for Wills and Estates

Planning for the future is important.

Estate planning is all about planning for the future in a way that legally ensures your assets go to the right people after your death. Trust and will attorneys specialize in a variety of estate planning topics and will help you set up an estate plan for you and your family.

Related: What is an Estate Plan? (And 10 Reasons You Need One)

If you don’t set up an estate plan before you die, some of your wishes may be inadvertently overlooked. The financial aspects of your estate will become much more difficult to deal with it. In some cases, loved ones may even disagree on your wishes or fight over resources left behind by the estate.

Naturally, this can create incredible stress and turmoil for the people you leave behind. This is why it’s important to find a lawyer who specializes in the area of estate planning you’re interested in exploring. If you’re interested in setting up a trust, you will want to look for a trust attorney near you.

Here’s how to find a lawyer for wills and estates…

How to Start Your Search

The first and most important step in learning how to find a lawyer for wills and estates is to figure out what it is you need help in the first place.

Do you just need someone to help you finalize a will? Want to set up a living trust for your children? Maybe you want someone who can help you set up a comprehensive plan and follow you from now until the day you pass on. In all of these instances, you’ll need a lawyer who specializes specifically in these main areas.

If you aren’t sure what you need, that’s okay! You’ll narrow down your options using other methods on this list.

Next, it’s time to actually identify your options within your city or town – and that starts with sourcing info from people you already know.

Your Local Attorney Referral Service

An attorney referral service makes it incredibly easy to connect with vetted, trustworthy lawyers. These services are easy to use and effective, too.

Start by dialing the toll-free number for the referral service; you’ll be connected with a representative. He or she will ask you a few basic questions about your needs and then suggest a list of suitable attorneys you should connect with.

You can take down contact information and reach out to the firm yourself, or the referral service can schedule a consultation for you directly. This makes finding a lawyer for wills and estates virtually painless.

Worried about accepting advice from a referral service? Don’t be! In the state of California, the California Bar licenses and regulates all legal referrals. By law, the organization must give you only advice they truly believe to be in your best interest.

Ask for References

Ask your friends, family members, and local professionals if they’ve worked with an attorney for similar concerns in the past.

Did they have a great experience, or did the attorney really let them down? This information can help you filter out attorneys you shouldn’t see while pinpointing those who have done well for others in the past.

If you have an attorney who helps you in another area of law right now, ask them to refer you directly to one of their colleagues. If they’ve already proven you can trust them, you can trust them to give you a good reference, too.

Contact the Lawyers You Have Selected

Once you have a list of appropriate lawyers in mind, reach out to each of them.

Ask whether they offer an initial consultation, how much they charge (per hour or per diem), and whether or not they are currently accepting clients. Then, schedule a consultation either over the telephone or in-person so you can better gauge their suitability.

Remember that you do NOT need to pick the first lawyer you meet.

What to Ask During An Initial Consultation

At this point, you should at least have a shortlist of lawyers for wills and estates who seem promising. Schedule a consultation as mentioned in the previous step, and then prepare a list of questions to help you judge their competency.

What is Your Primary Focus?

A lawyer should always specialize in the exact area of law you need help in – in this case, wills and estates. Avoid choosing an attorney who works in another area of law (e.g., family law) just because they seem cheap or easy to access. They may lack expertise.

What kind of experience do you have?

This can include anything from where the lawyer went to school to how many years they have been practicing law. Some attorneys may give a short review of awards or accomplishments, too, in an effort to show their excellence. Pay close attention to this info.

Who Becomes My Executor?

It is important to note that not all attorneys handle both estate planning and estate execution. Knowing this in advance can help you avoid problems later on, especially if you need to appoint a separate trust executor or representative.

Do You Offer Yearly Reviews?

A good estate planning attorney will always offer periodic reviews to ensure your plan remains in good standing. This may be quarterly, every six months, or even every few years depending on your unique situation. Someone who is terminally ill, for example, may want an attorney who can respond or review more quickly than someone who is healthy and in their mid-30s. Be aware that there may be a fee for this.

Can You Handle Estate Taxes, Too?

Estate taxes are evolving in the United States, and often, new changes roll out each year. Having an attorney on your side who is also competent in estate tax law may help you and your loved ones avoid loopholes and potential mishaps in managing your estate. It also ensures you won’t inadvertently set up a trust or will that jeopardizes how much your loved ones receive.


Planning for your future is important. Be sure to take your time when searching for an experienced lawyer in your area and try to schedule an initial consultation before making a decision. If you go through a lawyer referral service, ask if it’s possible to set up a free consultation.

Interview with at least two to three attorneys. Then, use your instincts to decide which one you want to hire. Don’t be afraid to turn them all down and start over if you just don’t feel comfortable with them – there are plenty of attorneys available.

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