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Finding An Attorney

January Attorney Referral Service Recap: 2021

January Attorney Referral Service Recap: 2020 | SFVBA Referral

It’s time for a January attorney referral service recap!

As we come to the end of the month, we must look at all of our resources that help us better understand our legal needs. This means educating ourselves about the grounds for contesting a will, suing for emotional distress in California, how a Los Angeles drug crime lawyer can help, suing a contractor for poor workmanship, and the most common types of trusts to understand.

Read further for more details.

What Are the Grounds For Contesting a Will?

Wills are often a private thing known only by the person handling the will and the one signing it. Very few – if any – other people, including family members, will not know the exact contents of a will until death occurs. And then, well, things can get a bit unruly and family feuds begin.

Emotions are running high. Grief is running rampant. And hearing something read in the will that differs from what you’d always imagined may make you want to contest it.

Sure, you may be unhappy with what is stated in the will, but do you really want to contest it? Do you even have grounds for contesting it?

Read the full article.

Everything About Suing for Emotional Distress in California

Filing a lawsuit against someone for a physical injury or some other tangible situation is common and rather easy to move through the courts. You have documentation, visible evidence, and so forth that can help with court proceedings.

Though things are not always that easy. There are certain situations in which individuals are injured and/or harmed, but not in a physical way. Emotional distress almost always occurs, but it is hard to prove. After all, how can you sue someone for something nobody can see?

Emotional distress is very real and California has laws in place to protect those who suffer from it. Here’s everything you need to know.

Read the full article.

How Can a Los Angeles Drug Crime Lawyer Help You?

Being charged with a drug offense in California can leave you confused about what to do. You know that you probably should have representation, but you may also be feeling a bit down and out and unworthy of the extra help. So, you messed up. That is what happens in life – we all make mistakes, and, with any luck, we learn from them and move on.

The court system may ask you to pay the price for your crime. Once you do, you should be able to proceed with life as normal, shouldn’t you? Unfortunately, when it comes to drug crimes, a conviction on your record could follow you for years to come, affecting everything from your relationships, finances, and employment. Facing this drug crime charge alone can have a great impact on your future life – making the moving on part difficult.

Do not allow this one mistake to dictate how the rest of your life goes. Instead, let us talk about how a Los Angeles drug crime lawyer can help you.

Read the full article.

Suing a Contractor for Poor Workmanship: Is This Possible?

Maybe you had a remodel project done at your business. Or maybe you decided that renovating the kitchen in your home sounded like a wonderful idea. Whatever your project idea, when it comes to construction, you likely had to hire a contractor.

Contractors bring confidence. Think about it – you could have easily gone with the handyman down the street or even your uncle Bob. But you chose a contractor. Why? So that you could have the confidence that your project would be completed properly and timely.

Unfortunately, though, things don’t always go as planned. If you find yourself here, then you have probably had a negative experience with a contractor you hired. Did the job turn out differently than was expected? Was the professional quality lacking? If so, what are your options? Can you sue a contractor for poor workmanship?

Read the full article.

The Most Common Types of Trusts to Understand

It is not uncommon to hear people talking about trusts – even though we may not understand why. Sure, trusts are often used as a way to protect assets – especially when it comes to the end of life. But that can’t be the only reason to have a trust, right? Either way, there are a lot of terms that get tossed around that may leave your head spinning.

Just what is a trust? How do they work? 

The more you can educate yourself, the more you will learn about the opportunities that are available to you. When it comes to trusts, learning about them and taking advantage of them may benefit you – and your loved ones.

Ready to get started? Let’s start with the basics – gaining a bit of understanding when it comes to the most common types of trusts.

Read the full article.


It can be tiresome to find the right information and facts about legal matters. But what we’ve gathered here is a great start to guide you in the right direction. Connect with a lawyer referral service for further assistance.

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