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Estate Planning

How to Find an Estate Attorney, Los Angeles

Finding an estate attorney you can trust can be difficult if you’re not sure where to look. Fortunately, there are a few things that will help you understand how to find an estate attorney quickly. Here’s how to find an estate attorney, Los Angeles.

How to Find an Estate Attorney

Few people enjoy thinking about end-of-life arrangements, especially long before such decisions ever arise. But the fact is that early in life is the best time to make these important and impactful decisions.

Whether you’re planning to set a formal will, a revocable living trust, an advanced directive, or even a power of attorney, it’s best to work with an estate attorney to ensure your wishes are met. It is even more important to ensure you find the right lawyer – someone with experience who you can trust to adhere to your wishes both now and well into the future.

In this article, we’re taking a look at three important steps you can take when looking for an estate attorney.

Step One: Identify Your Needs

What kind of help are you expecting an attorney to provide? Which areas of estate planning are you interested in handling, and how much do you know about the process yourself?

These questions may seem basic, but they can significantly change your optimal  Someone who only needs a lawyer to witness and notarize an update to a living will may have very different needs than, say, someone who needs to completely formulate a formal will from scratch with a revocable living trust.

If you aren’t sure of your needs just yet, try writing down what you want to accomplish instead. Add tasks like:

  • I want to leave money for my benefactors.
  • I need to ensure my children are cared for if and when I pass.
  • I want to ensure no extraordinary measures are taken if I’m terminally ill.
  • I wish to be cremated OR I wish to be buried.
  • I want to split my assets between my wife and children.
  • I want to ensure my wife has power of attorney if I become sick.
  • I want to leave money to a charity and/or organization.
  • I need to make arrangements for my pension or social security check.
  • I want to set rules for my assets that vary depending on whether I am alive, incapacitated, or passed on.

These are a few of the most common topics raised by people who seek out the services of an estate attorney. Most standard estate planning experts should be able to help you in these core areas. If you have issues outside of these standards, you may require a specialist – but you can usually start with a generalist at first.

Step Two: Search for Estate Attorneys

Searching for estate attorneys in your area is much easier today than it was 50 years ago. The Internet, online directories, and even lawyer referral services greatly shorten the amount of time it takes to locate, and connect with, good lawyers who have a proven record for success. It’s also far easier to verify that any lawyer you connect with really is who they say they are.

  • Ask Your Current Lawyer. Do you have a lawyer already – perhaps a family law lawyer or a divorce lawyer you used in the past? Ask them to refer you to a colleague. In the state of California, and most of America, lawyers may only refer to you to people they truly believe are a good fit for your needs. You can trust that if they refer you to someone, that person is likely a good attorney.
  • Ask Friends and Family. Do your loved ones have an estate planning attorney they work with now? Ask them for a personal opinion on whether they may be right for you, too. Just be sure to take any extreme opinions with a grain of salt; everyone’s experience is unique.
  • Search Online. Head to Google and type in “Estate Planning Attorneys in ______. Fill in the blank with your city, town, or local area; start small and expand outward, then watch closely for the search results that come up. Follow each result to the lawyer’s website and get to know the services they provide, their fees (if stated), and their contact information. Shortlist any estate planning experts within a reasonable distance from your location.
  • Contact the California State Bar. The Bar has partnerships, and in fact licenses, all lawyer referral services in the state. If you aren’t even sure where to start, connect with the State Bar at 866-44-CA-LAW. They can provide you with a list of lawyers and/or referral services to get you started.
  • Look For Advertising. Many people hesitate to trust lawyers advertised in newspapers, magazines, and on television. However, this can, in some cases, be the best way to find the hardest-hitting lawyers in your local area. If a lawyer can afford to advertise, they are most likely at least somewhat successful! Remember that California state laws regulate all legal advertising for accuracy and truthfulness, so any claims made must be supported by fact.
  • Check With Your Local Probate Court. Do you live in a very small town – or maybe a remote part of California? It may be worthwhile to check if your local probate court maintains a list of local estate planning attorneys. This is rarely an option in larger cities like San Francisco, but in small towns, nearly everyone maintains only three or four degrees of separation from everyone else – including talented legal professionals. It’s a great way to connect.
  • Use a Lawyer Referral Service. Lawyer referral services take basic information about your identity and your needs. Then, they cross-match you with a cultivated database of verified attorneys, connecting you with only the very best providers available. As mentioned previously, they are licensed and must adhere to extremely strict guidelines (the referral itself is considered legal advice). This is by far the easiest and fastest way to connect.

Consult With Your Shortlist Candidates

Once you have a shortlist of potential options, it’s time to start making arrangements to consult with them.

Nearly all lawyers provide an initial consultation free of charge; use this time to probe the attorney for their suitability in handling your case. Ask questions like where they were educated, how long they have been practicing, how much they charge per hour or per service, and how you’ll communicate with them over the course of your relationship with them.


Now that you know how to find an estate attorney in Los Angeles, you’re ready to begin your search. As mentioned, one of the best places to start your search is with an experienced attorney referral service.

Here at the SFVBA Attorney Referral Service, we’re ready to help connect you with the best possible attorney for your needs. Whether you’re considering the idea of estate planning or you would like to revisit an existing will, we’re here to help.

If at any point you aren’t satisfied with the answers provided, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. Good lawyers can, and will, clarify because they know how important it is to work for the right client – and for the client to work with the right lawyer.

Family Law

How to Find a Good California Divorce Lawyer

Divorces are complicated and extremely disruptive to several aspects of life as you know it. Finding the right attorney early can make all the difference. Here’s how to find a good California divorce lawyer.

How to Find a Good California Divorce Lawyer

Sometimes marriages just don’t work despite the best efforts of both involved parties. When the time for separation occurs, it can be extremely stressful and difficult to deal with specifics like separation of assets and custody arrangements.

While parting ways is never easy, having a good divorce lawyer can help you minimize drama and find fair solutions for everyone involved. It can be difficult to find a lawyer while going through a divorce, which is why we encourage people to go through a reputable attorney referral service. This type of legal service can help connect you with the best attorney for your needs.

Do You Really Need a Divorce Lawyer?

Divorce lawyers specialize in handling issues associated with the dissolution of relationships. This includes both marriages and simple partnerships where assets, children, and/or pets must be shared between parties.

Ultimately, if you are ending a romantic relationship where assets, children, or pets are involved, you can benefit from the services of a divorce lawyer.

It is important to note that a divorce lawyer can help you with many areas of law as they pertain to and intersect with relationships and separation. Your divorce lawyer can provide support for any or all of the following:

  • Signing a prenuptial agreement
  • Entering or exiting a business partnership
  • Setting or dissolving retirement plans
  • Managing inheritances before or after separation
  • Fair distribution of property (such as pets, furniture, or houses)
  • Requesting alimony or making changes to alimony orders
  • Arranging custody (full, partial, or joint)
  • Arranging child support payments

As for whether you need a divorce lawyer to navigate divorce and separation, the simple answer is absolutely. Few couples separate without experiencing intense emotion, which can make it difficult to part fairly. Hiring a lawyer to fight for your rights is an important part of protecting your own interests during this process.

Search For Your Options

You know you need a divorce lawyer; what’s next? What’s the best way to actually search for and connect with a lawyer? You have a few options.

  • Ask Friends: Ask your friends and family members who have completed divorce who they turned to. A personal referral from someone you trust can help you ensure you find someone who will truly fight for you.
  • Search Online: Not sure who specializes in divorce law in your local area? Search for terms like “divorce lawyer in [your city here].” Look for lawyers with established websites and positive reviews whenever possible. Keep in mind that online listings almost never paint a full picture – you’ll need to verify the lawyer’s suitability yourself before you hire them.
  • Use a Lawyer Referral Service: Legal referral services help you find and connect with only the lawyers who are best-suited to your case. Generally, you enter basic information into an online form or via telephone. The service then uses special algorithms to generate a list of options from a curated, in-house database of attorneys. This is especially useful for complex cases.
  • Call the California State Bar: Not sure how to find a good divorce lawyer – or maybe even how to search for one? Call the California State Bar and ask for help. You can dial 1-800-843-9053 to speak with a representative.

In the next few sections, we’ll help you better understand how to verify your search results and make the correct final decision.

Ask for a Consultation

Nearly all lawyers offer a short 30-minute to 1-hour consultation for new potential clients. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of this; it’s an excellent way to interview lawyers before you sign a retainer and agree to work with one person.

At your consultation, ask your lawyer to tell you about their past history in court. Include questions about whether they specialize in divorce law, how successful they are (how often do they win?), and whether they can provide references. Good lawyers will be able to answer these questions quickly and easily.

Attorneys should make you feel comfortable, respected, and heard. If at any point you feel pushed, rushed, or outright insulted, walk away and choose someone else to help you with your case. Report any lawyer who tells you to take illegal action (such as parental abduction or hiding from child support payments).

Ask About Secondary Specialties

Is your case complex enough that you need help with other areas of law that intersect with divorce? It may be beneficial to ask each potential lawyer whether they have experience working with those areas of law, too. While they may not truly specialize in these secondary categories, they should at least have a basic understanding.

For example, let’s say you and your spouse own a small corporation. While any divorce lawyer can help you navigate divorce while owning a business, someone who specializes in both divorce law and child custody will be even more helpful.

Similarly, someone who specializes in divorce and father’s rights or alimony is far more likely to be helpful with complex cases. It’s all about finding the lawyer with the right expertise to meet your special custom needs.

Is Your Lawyer Also Serving Your Spouse?

Watch out! This is a red flag for problems. Serving both spouses is considered a conflict of interest, and while some lawyers may be able to do it without bias, it’s frowned upon and even illegal in some areas. You and your ex-spouse must have separate lawyers to ensure your needs are met and your rights are protected without influence from worries about protecting the other side.

There are a few special exceptions to this rule. If you are divorcing amicably, you may decide to have one spouse’s lawyer create and process your divorce papers. This is legally acceptable, but it’s still wise to have your own lawyer review the papers before you sign and agree to the arrangements.

Learning how to find a good divorce lawyer in California is simple when you get help from a legal referral service. Instead of doing all the legwork and verifying on your own, a licensed legal matching service can help you drill down and make the choice much faster. It’s the best way to ensure you connect with the right attorney fast.

Finding An Attorney

How to Find a Good Lawyer in Los Angeles

Knowing how to find a good lawyer in Los Angeles is the first step toward winning your legal case. Here’s how to find a good lawyer when you need one most.

If you need help resolving a legal matter, you need to know how to find a good lawyer.

This is one of the most important steps to finding legal representation, as it could directly impact whether or not you win your legal case. As an attorney referral service, we have years of experience helping people find the best lawyer for their legal needs … and we’ve learned a thing or two over the years.

We’ve learned a lot over the years, so we gathered a few tips to help you better understand how to find a good lawyer when you need one most.

In this article, you’ll discover the importance of finding a lawyer with relevant experience, where to find a lawyer, and what questions you should ask.

Let’s take a look…

How to Find A Good Lawyer in Los Angeles

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have–or need–a lawyer on retainer.

That’s okay!

Most people start looking for a lawyer when they suspect they need one to resolve a potential legal matter. To help you get started, we gathered a few tips to help you get started and better understand how to find a good lawyer in Los Angeles in the first place.

Here’s how to find a good lawyer:

  • Identify the type of lawyer you need
  • Contact your local bar association for qualified lawyers near you
  • Look for ratings and reviews for insight
  • Ask friends and family for recommendations
  • Make a list of lawyers you’re considering
  • Take a look at the lawyer’s website for more information regarding their experience
  • Consider the size of the firm if applicable
  • Make an appointment to discuss your legal matter with the lawyer
  • Ask questions during your initial consultation
  • Discuss the cost
  • Select the lawyer that stood out to you as the best option available.

Identify the Type of Lawyer You Need

Lawyers tend to specialize in one of the main areas of law, so the first step to finding a good lawyer is identifying the type of lawyer you need.

If you experienced a personal injury, you should look for a personal injury attorney. If you were sexually harassed at work, look for a sexual harassment lawyer.

  • If you are struggling with finances, you might need a bankruptcy attorney.
  • For estate planning or creating a will or trust, look for an attorney who handles trusts and estates.
  • If you were disabled at work, look for an attorney who handles Social Security Disability (SSD) and Personal Personal injury attorneys can also help with cases involving car accidents, dog bites, medical malpractice or other injuries caused by someone else.
  • If you need assistance with divorce, child custody, adoption, guardianship, pre or post-nuptial agreements, look for an attorney who handles family law.
  • If you are charged with a crime, you may be facing large fines or prison, and you should seek the help of a criminal lawyer who has tried cases like yours.
  • If you feel you were fired because of age, sexual preference, or because you complained about unsafe conditions – or any of several other protected classes of employment – you should seek an employment law
  • If you want help with a corporate merger or are starting a business, look for a corporate attorney.

Where to Find A Good Lawyer

Once you have determined the area of law you need help with, you should start looking for an attorney with that specialty. Start by contacting the San Fernando Valley Bar Association to learn more about the qualified lawyers in the area.

If you want to find a good lawyer fast, consider contacting your local Attorney Referral Service.

As an Attorney Referral Service in San Fernando Valley, we work closely with a variety of lawyers who specialize in the various areas of law and ensure they are all qualified and in good standing. We understand how overwhelming it can feel when you need to find a good lawyer, which is why we’re dedicated to making it as easy as possible for you.

All you have to do is tell us a little about your legal matter and we’ll match you with the best lawyer for your needs.

To top it off, we’ll even help you get a free 30-minute consultation so you have a chance to discuss your legal issue with the lawyer in person.

Ask Questions During Your Consultation

If you come up with one or two possible lawyers, be prepared to meet with them and set up a consultation. But first, ask if the consultation is free or if there is a charge,

You already have some information that you found online. But now you want to ask questions that are relevant to your own case. Ask about how the attorney will charge for his or her service. Will it be by the hour or on a contingency basis? Or is it a flat fee (which is often used for family law)?

A contingency arrangement means the lawyer will take on the financial risk of your case and will not collect legal fees from you unless he or she recovers money for you. Your attorney will receive a percentage of the settlement amount, typically 30 to 40 percent.

In addition to cost, ask the attorney about time. How long might your case take – before going to court and the length of the court process? It would be just an estimate, but it should be based on previous experience with cases similar to yours.

When can the lawyer begin to work with you? Is he working on other cases right now? Will he or she be your primary contact throughout the legal process or will you be turned over to a junior associate to handle much of the work? And who exactly will represent you in court if needed?

You can also ask about the success rate in previous cases. What is this attorney’s track record in winning cases or getting satisfactory settlements? Ask for references from previous clients who were happy with the service of this firm.

Once you and your attorney agree on how your case should be handled, you both sign a letter of engagement stating the terms of the agreement, and you are ready to go.

Finding An Attorney

How to Find A Lawyer In Los Angeles

Want to know how to find a lawyer in Los Angeles? Preparing for tomorrow is the smartest thing you can do today. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Legal matters can pop up at any moment, so it’s important for you to understand how to find a lawyer in Los Angeles quickly and efficiently.

To help you get started, it’s important to understand lawyers specialize in a specific area law, including personal injury, criminal defense, and other areas of law. This allows lawyers to develop a full understanding of the area of law and provide their clients with exceptional service.

This also helps reduce how long it takes you to find a lawyer.

Now, let’s take a look at how to find a lawyer quickly!

1. Ask Your Friends for Help

You can start by asking the people you know – your family, friends, and coworkers. Maybe a neighbor has used a lawyer in the past. The upside of personal references like these is the convenience. The downside is that the referred lawyer may not specialize in the kind of law you need.

Another downside is that the scope of your case might be different from the one your neighbor had. Or perhaps the lawyer joined another firm with a different legal focus. Because the time of your case is different from those of friends and family, the lawyer may no longer be available to help you.

2. Ask a Lawyer for Recommendations

You may have used a lawyer in the past, maybe for some advice on estate planning or to create a will or trust. Maybe you had a lawyer write a letter for you or review some documents. You can always ask that lawyer for a reference.

The upside is again convenience. It is easy to ask someone you have worked with in the past. The downside is that this lawyer may steer you to a colleague in his or her law office who may not be the best choice for you. And your lawyer friend may not know of other attorneys better qualified to help you.

3. Try Searching a Database

There are databases you can search to find an attorney. These are directories that provide information on lawyer specialties, locations and practice areas, lawyer reviews and disciplinary records.

It is relatively easy to do, but the danger is similar to searching for anything on the Internet. You really aren’t sure of the validity of the information you find. Are those legal firms that are listed just marketing their services better than other firms? If so, this tells you nothing about the quality of their work.

4. Let an Attorney Referral Service Search for You

If you want to find a lawyer quickly, contact an attorney referral service and tell them about your legal situation.

An attorney referral service will evaluate your legal matter and find the best lawyer in Los Angeles for you. In some cases, the attorney referral service will be able to set up a free consultation. This is an important opportunity for you to assess whether or not you’re comfortable with the lawyer.

The attorney referral service should be certified to make referrals.

For example, the Attorney Referral Service of the San Fernando Valley Bar Association is a certified lawyer referral service that’s approved by the American Bar Association, making it the best place to start your search if you need to find a lawyer in Los Angeles.

Find a Lawyer Who Offers a Free Consultation

You’re going to be working closely with your lawyer, so it’s important that you feel comfortable and confident about your lawyer.

One of the easiest ways to ensure you select the right lawyer is to arrange a free consultation, which involves a conversation between you and your lawyer and provides an opportunity to ask questions about the lawyer’s experience, your legal matter, and expectations.

Once you find that lawyer who might be the one for you, have a list of questions you can ask during that first interview. Ask if he or she is qualified and certified in the area of expertise you need. How long has the attorney been practicing this area of law? Ask for references.

Many states have certification programs for lawyers including the National Association of Estate Planners and Councils and the National Elder Law Foundation.

You should ask if the lawyer works only in one area or multiple areas? The caseload could be 50 percent personal injury, 25 percent divorce, and 25% some other area.

You should also ask whether or not this attorney will be the one working with you or will there be someone else from the same office handling your case? Sometimes a lawyer will turn a case over to his or her staff, and you want to know who will be working directly with you. If it is someone else, ask to meet that person.

Ask about the preferred type of communications. Do the attorney and staff like to communicate through emails or texting? Will they get return your calls in 24 hours or less? Can you reach them after hours? What happens if and when they go on vacation?

Other Considerations

You may have prepaid legal services that are offered by many companies as part of their insurance package. Some of these plans cover only consulting while others cover the entire cost of legal assistance. You should check with your employer to see if you have such a service.

Depending on your particular situation, you may be entitled to receive free legal assistance. You could look for clinics and legal aid offices that offer free legal services to those in need. Many of these offices have their own lawyers or work with volunteer lawyers or legal professionals who assist them.

A qualified and established attorney referral service will steer you in the right direction, either referring you to free legal services or to organizations that can help you or lead you to a qualified and certified attorney specializing in your area of law.

We Can Help Find a Lawyer for You

As an attorney referral service in Los Angeles, we’re more than happy to help you find a lawyer for your legal situation. To get started, please tell us a little about your legal matter and we’ll be in touch shortly.

If you prefer speaking to someone over the phone, you can call 818-697-0604

General Legal Information

Finding a Los Angeles Lawyer to Help Represent You

Sometimes a situation arises where you just need to talk to a Los Angeles lawyer. You want legal advice in some matter where you feel you have some kind of legal recourse but are not sure about how to get it.

You may feel you need a lawyer’s input to make sure you will take the right path to resolve the issue you are facing. Sometimes you wonder if there is a way to just handle things yourself, but you don’t have the experience or the confidence to take the right steps or to prepare the right documents that might be needed.

So you have to ask yourself the question: “Can I and should I represent myself?”

Should you represent yourself?

In most situations, you can represent yourself, although many companies like banks and insurance companies have mandatory arbitration or mediation clauses in the contracts you sign.  These provisions mean you have to solve disputes through a third party out-of-court.

But in court cases  where representation is possible, the other questions is “Should you represent yourself? A few instances where you might be considering representing yourself include:

  • a certain type of small claim that you want to make
  • an uncontested divorce
  • an administrative legal issue

Usually, these are the simpler legal cases where there are fewer conflicts and less severe penalties involved. The claim is generally between $25,000 and $100,000.

You may want to represent yourself in a small civil suit rather than undertake the cost of a full-time attorney or you may want to work with someone else other than a lawyer.

If you decide to handle things yourself, there are still enough issues and concerns to warrant at least some discussion with a Los Angeles lawyer. You would be wise to have a legal consultant to make sure you are doing things the right way.

Getting legal advice on strategy and tactics may cost you a little money, but not nearly the amount of having a full-time attorney handling your case. The idea is to find a lawyer, not just any lawyer, but one who is experienced in the type of issues involved in your lawsuit.

For example, conducting a lawsuit with a  personal injury attorney can be very different than conducting a lawsuit based on a contractual dispute.

What is your area of need?

There are required steps to follow and forms to file in just about every area of law. How you proceed may determine the success of your case. There are also red flags and potential obstacles to be aware of along the way.


There are some traditions that guide usual court outcomes. For example, in a divorce case, usually the longer the marriage, the more likely you will need a lawyer. The amount of alimony or child supports a spouse is entitled to increases quite a bit after 7-10 years of marriage. So if the marriage has lasted this long, it is advisable to have a Los Angeles lawyer represent you. Though you may be considering representing yourself in the following situations, it is advised to seek legal advice.

  • If the marriage is fairly recent and there is no child custody argument
  • If there are any premarital properties or assets involved
  • If you and your spouse have agreed to dissolve the marriage in an uncontested way

On the other hand, if it is a completely “no fault” divorce, and everything has been agreed to including the division of assets and responsibilities, it is possible that there will be no court hearing or appearance at all.


You can consider representing yourself in filing for bankruptcy if you have limited assets and no creditors claiming fraud. If you file for “Chapter 7 Bankruptcy,” chances are your case will not be dismissed.

However, if you own a business and have significant assets, you may want to think about a Los Angeles lawyer in filing for “Chapter 13.”

You should be aware that a bankruptcy trustee is appointed to oversee your case and look for any potential problems like fraud or claims of fraud. Any errors on your part could lead to possible civil or criminal charges against you.

Criminal court

If you are arrested for a crime, you have a right to an attorney. If you can’t afford a criminal defense attorney, the court will appoint a Public Defender.

The Public Defender is better than representing yourself. The Defender has legal experience but does not have a great deal of time to spend on your behalf.

Representing yourself in a criminal case can be difficult and can add to your problems. Just with any kind of law there are pitfalls that a trained lawyer can assist with. If you are at an arraignment hearing alone, you could be taken into custody right away with a high bail set.

If you are unaware of legal terminology, you may test the patience of the judge.

Since a judge prefers legal representation, without it, you will not get priority treatment for hearings. You may be put at the “end of the line” and have to wait all day. If you don’t have the police report, the delay could be longer.

You must ask for permission to represent yourself, and the judge may ask you some questions to show you know what you are getting into and understand the nature of the court process.

The judge may also appoint a stand-by attorney to step in and help when needed.

You will have to make sure you do whatever research is needed and you follow appropriate protocols. It is much safer for you to have your own Los Angeles criminal defense attorney working full-time to build your case.

How should you act in court?

Whether representing yourself or working with an attorney, there are things you should be aware of to give you a better chance for a positive outcome.

  • Preparation for a court appearance starts with your own appearance. How you dress can have an effect on how you are perceived.
  • You should practice what you are going to say. If you have a testimony to give, you should practice that as well as prepare for any questions you may be asked.
  • Be mindful of what you are allowed to carry in your pockets or purse. There are some prohibited items. A Los Angeles lawyer could advise you on matters like these.
  • You should bring evidentiary documents you need as originals, not photocopies because they could be altered and challenged.
  • There are so many things to be cognizant of in a criminal case. You should take notes on testimony and be aware of what the other side is saying, and be ready to challenge or rebut anything controversial.

Knowing legal terms, how to address the judge, what are acceptable responses to questions, how to dress, where to sit, what documents are needed, what witnesses should be called, and a lot more – all these need to be considered to help you win your case.

Having an attorney makes it so much easier. The best way to find a Los Angeles Lawyer is through a qualified and certified Attorney Referral Service (ARS).

The ARS will listen to your problem and advise you on whether it is a good idea to represent yourself, and if so, how you might want to get some legal advice on how to proceed.

The ARS can also recommend an attorney who can work as an advisor or stand-by counsel who can support you as needed. This allows you to do much of the work involved in building your case but gives you the safety of having that legal backup that is so important.

How do you get started with a Los Angeles lawyer?

If you do choose to work with a Los Angeles lawyer, how do you proceed? First of all, contact an attorney early to take advantage of any free or low-cost advice and to give the attorney time to get started on your case.

It may not be possible for the lawyer to give you all the services you want within the budget you have. But many lawyers offer unbundled services or sliding-scale fees. Or they can refer you to other lawyers who can work within your budget.

Yes, you can represent yourself. But the best way to minimize your risk is with legal counsel to get you started and to stand by you when needed.

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