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Why You Should Consider an Attorney Referral Service

Why You Should Consider an Attorney Referral Service

How do you find a good lawyer these days?

You might be in a car accident or get injured at work – and your company might not have Workers’ Comp. Or maybe you will be harassed at work and your company does nothing about it.

Maybe you are considering a Will and Testament. Or you are a business person and want to protect your investment or patents, or maybe you have to file for bankruptcy. Maybe you have landlord-tenant issues.

You may have been unjustly accused of a crime.

And you need the best defense lawyer you can find – and afford.

The list of possible problems is almost endless as is the diversity of lawyers who can help you solve them.

Lawyers are specialists: No “one size fits all”

There are many branches of law and lawyers who are specifically trained in each of them. You don’t need just a lawyer. You need a lawyer in a specific area who understands the nuances of the law as they apply to your particular case.

Legal Specialties

Here are some of the legal specialties and kinds of lawyers you might consider:

  • Bankruptcy Law
  • Business Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Employment Law
  • Disability Rights Law
  • Immigration Law 
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Legal Malpractice
  • Maritime/Admiralty Law
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Divorce
  • Military Law and Veterans Benefits
  • Elder Abuse/Benefit Claims
  • Family Law (LGBT Family Referrals too)
  • Personal Injury
  • Probate and Wills
  • Real Estate Law
  • Trusts and Estate Planning
  • Tax Law
  • Worker’s Compensation

Each of these legal areas has its own subset of legal considerations and processes. For example, in Business Law, an attorney may deal with patent, trademark or copyright infringement. He or she might deal with contracts or leasing arrangements.

The business owner may have problems with debt collection, asset management, or business immigration. A “generalist” attorney may not have the experience to deal with these specific challenges.

If bankruptcy is involved, a business owner is not able to pay his debts, and he will have to liquidate assets in order to pay back debtors or come up with a structured repayment program going forward

The DIY route is dangerous

Might you be tempted to defend yourself (“do it yourself”) in some cases?This is not always possible because some firms like banks and insurance companies have mandatory arbitration clauses that you may have signed. This would mean you have to solve disputes through a third party, and not through the courts.

But if you are able to represent yourself, should you? Are you willing to risk the outcome on your ability to understand the legal process enough to follow all the required processes and protocols? Do you understand and can you use all the legal terms accurately?

In the case of Business Law and bankruptcy, for example, the business owner would have to know federal and state rules with regard to bankruptcy and be prepared to follow all proper procedures. A small mistake can halt proceedings very quickly.

The owner would have to attend all meetings and court proceedings, as well as communicate with all creditors about court details and settlement offers, and handle all negotiations.

If the owner were unable to contact a certain creditor or had difficulties getting the right person to talk to, then he would have to face the consequences which might mean putting his filing in jeopardy.

Choosing the right lawyer can prevent or at least minimize procedural problems in any area of law. But what if you choose the wrong one to represent you?

Selecting the wrong lawyer can double your trouble

You already have a legal problem to solve (i.e. bankruptcy). You have decided not to try to file the papers yourself. You see an ad for a bankruptcy attorney in your town, and you hire him. The fee seems reasonable and his office is 10 minutes away.

If things go well, you are fortunate. But what if that lawyer claimed to know bankruptcy law but hasn’t had much experience in the specifics of that specialty? He might be the town attorney or a friend of a friend who recommended him.

What if this lawyer messes up, and you lose your case? Do you have any recourse?

The best way to protect yourself is by hiring a certified attorney who is qualified in the area of law you need, He should also be insured.

It’s important to have legal malfeasance insurance. Without it, if your case is stopped for whatever reason, you are out the money you spent on filing and court fees. You have wasted your time as well.

This doubles your trouble because not only have you lost time, money, and probably your case but also you now have to deal with the malpractice suit.

It’s better to start with the certified, qualified, insured attorney who knows how to represent you and your best interests.

An attorney referral service minimizes your risks

Finding the right attorney on your own, therefore, can be risky. There is a better way to protect you, and that is through a certified attorney referral service (ARS), Legal representation is your first need. A qualified ARS will ensure that you get that.

A qualified ARS is approved by the American Bar Association and certified by the state in which it operates. The ARS provides an upfront consultation, usually at no, or minimal, cost, and then advises you on how to proceed.

The range of services is attractive and compelling. The ARS may suggest ways for you to get help from free sources, or advise you in those rare cases when you might be qualified to represent yourself with “Limited Scope” legal assistance.

Perhaps going to Small Claims Court is the best solution for you. Maybe you can get free legal aid for a rent control problem by going to a rent control board.

The ARS may have special programs for community groups like seniors or those with modest means. The ARS may refer you to an attorney who offers a reduced fee in some cases.

You may have a Civil Rights issue or want to improve the economic, cultural, social, or environmental well-being of your community, which happens to be a disadvantaged or underserved community. The ARS might be able to point you toward free resources.

In any case, a highly qualified and certified ARS will find and recommend the solution you need, whether it’s a free resource, reduced-fee resource, or dedicated attorney in your area of law who will fully represent you.

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