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Finding An Attorney

March Attorney Referral Service Recap: 2021

March Attorney Referral Service Recap: 2021 | SFVBA Referral

It’s time for a March attorney referral service recap!

As we come to the end of the month, we must look at all of our resources that help us better understand our legal needs. This means educating ourselves about the best plan for child visitation during coronavirus, the most common types of car accidents, how to deal with debt collectors when you can’t pay, how to get out of paying child support, and what to know about conservatorship in California.

Read further for more details.

Child Visitation During Coronavirus: What’s the Best Plan?

In the world around us, there are those who are taking the coronavirus seriously, following all recommendations set forth by our country’s Centers for Disease Control strictly. At the other extreme, we have those individuals who tend to either think it is not real, believe they are immune to it, or just refuse to care. The rest of the population is somewhere in the middle – concerned and taking precautions, but not going overboard with either.

We have all heard the stories that even the closest families are having disagreements on just how cautious to be. So, it is only natural that two parents living in separate households will have differing opinions.

When raising a child or children together, how do those differing opinions impact the visitation plans? How should this even be addressed to address all concerns and keep everyone safe?

Read the full article.

The Most Common Types of Car Accidents

We spend a lot of time on the road. Whether it is sitting in traffic while commuting to and from work, on our way out to meet friends for dinner and drinks after work, or to and from the soccer fields for Saturday morning youth league. We spend so much time in the car and on the road that we do it as if it was second nature.

How often have you stopped to think about just how deadly your automobile is? How secure are you while traveling in it? How often do you lose focus or get distracted while behind the wheel? Do you always keep your eyes on the road? Do you have a drink and drive? Do you use your cell phone while you are driving?

You could be the world’s most attentive, well-behaved driver and still find yourself in an accident. Why? Because it doesn’t always matter what you are doing – someone else can cause it.

Nobody plans for accidents to happen. They just do. And, they happen quickly. One moment you could be driving down the road jamming out to your favorite tune. The next moment you could be pinned in your car under a tree.

Let’s take a look at the most common types of accidents – and what you should do if you find yourself in one.

Read the full article.

How to Deal with Debt Collectors When You Can’t Pay?

Ah, the dreaded phone call from a debt collector. Nobody likes to receive those calls. It does not matter whether you are at work, getting ready to have dinner with your family, or out on a date with someone special – there is never a good time for a call from a debt collector.

Sure, you may avoid the call this time, but that does not mean you lose that feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you feel just, well, awful. And, when you do answer? It is even worse. The often-belittling voice on the other end of the line can crush any good mood.

Maybe you have tried to catch up on your missed payments. Maybe you lost your job. Maybe you are dealing with a serious medical diagnosis. Maybe you had a few rough years and have been trying to get your finances back on track ever since.

For most people, life means living paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings. And that means regardless of how many times those pesky collectors call you, you cannot pay.

So, what do you do? How do you deal with debt collectors when you can’t pay?

Read the full article.

How to Get Out of Paying Child Support

Having kids is the fun part of life. All the responsibility that comes with it, not so much. Whether you are married, have a significant other, or just a one-time situation that has led to a permanent bond, when kids come into the picture it can both scary and exciting. Sometimes, kids can bring joy to a relationship for a long time. Other times, relationships do not work, and kids continue moving forward with two separate parents. This happens a lot.

Through the work of lawyers and court systems, paying child support becomes necessary because, well, kids are expensive. And, raising them is the responsibility of both parents. This ordered child support payment could seem fair – but it could also seem like a big challenge. Often, the payment is hefty and can make living well pretty tough.

Circumstances change and you may come to a place in life where you want to get out of paying child support. Let’s talk about how you can do just that.

Read the full article.

Conservatorship in California: What to Know

While many of us would love to stay young and vibrant, life has other plans. And, as our body ages, so does our mind. Eventually, we get to the point where we can no longer care for ourselves or make the best decisions.

Spouses and kids watch this happen and often want to find ways to make life a bit easier for loved ones – releasing their burdens. Becoming a conservator in California can allow a more able-bodied and able-minded person to look out for, care for, and protect an elderly loved one.

Read the full article.


It can be tiresome to find the right information and facts about legal matters. But what we’ve gathered here is a great start to guide you in the right direction. Connect with a lawyer referral service for further assistance.

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