The Most Common Types of Car Accidents

The Most Common Types of Car Accidents | SFVBA Referral

There are many types of car accidents that unfortunately happen. If you’ve been in one recently, it’s ideal to understand the details of the type of accident you were in and what your best options are afterward.

Read on to learn more.


We spend a lot of time on the road. Whether it is sitting in traffic while commuting to and from work, on our way out to meet friends for dinner and drinks after work, or to and from the soccer fields for Saturday morning youth league. We spend so much time in the car and on the road that we do it as if it was second nature.

How often have you stopped to think about just how deadly your automobile is? How secure are you while traveling in it? How often do you lose focus or get distracted while behind the wheel? Do you always keep your eyes on the road? Do you have a drink and drive? Do you use your cell phone while you are driving?

You could be the world’s most attentive, well-behaved driver and still find yourself in an accident. Why? Because it doesn’t always matter what you are doing – someone else can cause it.

Nobody plans for accidents to happen. They just do. And, they happen quickly. One moment you could be driving down the road jamming out to your favorite tune. The next moment you could be pinned in your car under a tree.

Let’s take a look at the most common types of accidents – and what you should do if you find yourself in one.

Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions occur when one vehicle runs into the back of another. Often this occurs because the vehicle behind was following too close – there wasn’t enough time to stop. Of course, distractions also play a huge role in these types of accidents. For example, taking a split second to look down at a cell phone – or even the passenger – can cause the driver to miss a last-minute brake and cause a rear-end collision.

T-Bone or Side-Impact Accidents

Side-impact accidents are often referred to as t-bone accidents likely due to the shape they make at the time of the collision. Another term often used is broadside. In other words, the front end of one car hits the side of another.

The likelihood of injury increases with this type of accident – especially because front impact offers airbags and built-in crumple zones while the person getting hit on the side has much less protection. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), side-impact collisions in 2017 accounted for 24% of all traffic fatalities.

Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions are those that often cause the most damage. They are the most dangerous. And they occur when two automobiles are traveling in opposite directions and slam into each other, the front end touching the front end. The most common ways in which these types of car accidents occur are when someone travels the wrong way on a road or highway, passes a driver on a two-lane road without allowing enough space, or swerves while driving under the influence or distracted.

Depending on the speed, head-on accidents can lead to serious injury and be incredibly fatal.

Side Swipe Accidents 

We do not often think of sideswiping as a fatal type of accident. After all, it is a swipe and not a full-on collision, right? Believe it or not, hundreds of people die every year from these accidents. They happen when two cars are driving next to one another in the same direction – and one vehicle strays over the line. This could also happen when failing to recognize the blind spot. Of course, we should point out that drivers can also sideswipe cars that are parked along the street.

Collisions with Pedestrians or Bicyclist

As drivers, we share the road with pedestrians and bicyclists every day. And, let’s be honest, a human is no match for an automobile. The result? Many of these collisions lead to serious injury or even death. 

Drunk Driving, Speeding, Weather-Related Accidents

Certain things can negatively impact our driving – driving under the influence, speeding, and driving in inclement weather. Getting behind the wheel when one is not fully focused and in the right frame of mind to handle a task can have deadly results.

Just check out these statistics:

  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding resulted in 9,378 deaths in 2018. And that doesn’t include the number of injuries and accidents it led to.
  • org reports that 10,511 people died as a result of a drunk driver in 2018.
  • Nearly 116,800 people are injured as the result of car accidents in winter weather each year, according to the carsurance

Most Common Injuries

All crashes will vary and so will the injuries. But records show that there are a few common injuries that result from all sorts of traffic accidents. What are they?

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Burns
  • Spinal cord injuries

These injuries can range from minor to severe and have a great impact on one’s life.

After the Crash

There is a lot that happens after a crash happens – especially if it involves damage to property, injury, or death. If possible, you want to contact the police to have a report written and you want to have recorded images and video of the crash before it is cleared by professionals. This could be very helpful should this accident lead to a legal case.

If you were injured in the accident, you could find the road to recovery long and painful. Though, if the crash was caused by someone else, you may find that you are owed money as compensation. No, it won’t make your pain go away, but it does help. After an accident, you may incur:

Hiring an attorney to represent you, handling a legal battle in the courtroom, and juggling all the calls from the insurance companies and opposing parties, may be the best choice you can make.

So, what happens if you were found to be at fault for the accident? Well, you may be bombarded with phone calls from attorneys and insurance companies from the victim. Many people open up and talk to these individuals, helping them build a case against you! Don’t do it. Find a lawyer that can represent you and look out for your best interest immediately.

The Most Common Types of Car Accidents | SFVBA Referral

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