Child Custody Lawyers for Fathers: How to Choose the Best One

Child Custody Lawyers for Fathers: How to Choose the Best One | SFVBA

Need more information about child custody lawyers for fathers? There are a few details to know before choosing the right one for you.

Read more here.


Hey dads! Are you facing a custody battle when it comes to your kids? Child custody cases are always an anxiety-filled, uncomfortable experience. Everyone on the outside is trying to make decisions that will have a direct impact on your kids and your family. And, well, that’s scary stuff.

Having a lawyer on your side that can help lead you through the process and obtain the best possible income is the only way to make sure you – and your kids – get the relationship you deserve.

If you are wondering what your rights are or how to even find a child custody lawyer, relax. We’ve got you covered. And, we’ll even show you how to choose the best one!

Types of Custody in California

  • Physical Custody

This is the type of custody arrangement that gives the parent the right to have the child reside in his or her home. With physical custody, one parent often has the child at home while the other has visitation rights. The extent of the visitation will be determined in the custody case.

  • Legal Custody

This type of custody gives legal rights to a parent when it comes to making decisions that affect the child’s life. For example, when it comes to medical decisions, place of residence, and education.

  • Sole Custody

This type of custody refers to having sole physical custody of the child/children. One parent has exclusive legal and physical custody. When it comes to making decisions about the well-being of the child, only one parent has the power. Sole custody is rare and is usually only awarded in those cases with extenuating circumstances.

  • Joint Custody

This type of custody consists of both parents actively participating in the raising of the child/children while maintaining their respective homes. Joint custody means that each parent either has legal or physical custody – or both. For example, dad could have sole physical custody, but mom may have shared legal custody.

You will want to speak to your attorney about your wishes and your concerns about the custody that is right for you and your child/children.

Child Custody Lawyers for Fathers: How to Choose the Best One | SFVBA

If You and Your Spouse Agree on Custody

While it is not always the case, it is quite common for moms and dads to come up with their own custody agreement. If you have, great. As long as it is determined to be a fair agreement and you are both committed to it, it should not be an issue.

If You and Your Spouse Don’t Agree on Custody

If you two can’t agree, the courts will decide for you. In fact, they will likely require mediation so that you may come to some sort of agreement. Doing so makes it easier for the kids, reduces the fighting, and gives you a better chance of liking the outcome.

Custody Battles for Fathers

Face it, guys – when you walk into a courtroom to fight for the custody of your child/children, you already feel like you have something against you, right? You’re not the mom. It’s common – and that is probably because many men think that women have an unfair advantage in custody cases.

Here’s some good news for you. While women do tend to gain custody rights at a higher rate than men, it is not always the case. Keep in mind that there are factors often considered when determining custody rights – so don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to the statistics.

Things that will likely be taken into consideration during a custody case are:

  • The best interest of the child or children.
  • Depending on his/her age, the wishes of the child/children.
  • Financial resources of each parent.
  • The relationship of each parent with the child/children.
  • The ability to pay child support.
  • Complaints of neglect and/or endangerment.

Please note that this is by no means an exhaustive list of factors that may be considered throughout the legal process.

Finding the Right Attorney

When you begin your search for the best attorney to handle your child custody case, you want to take this into consideration a few important key points, such as:

  • You don’t just want any custody lawyer. You want one who has experience in handling cases like yours (especially if it has specific circumstances) and you want an attorney that is used to working for fathers.
  • No tolerance for false allegations. Custody battles can get ugly. You need to have an attorney that has a zero-tolerance policy for false allegations (i.e. of abuse) and act on them accordingly.
  • A legal philosophy you agree with. You have to mesh well with your attorney and feel like you are on the same page.
  • The use of child custody evaluations. Not always required in custody cases, but they can be very helpful if you have an intricate case. Some attorneys love them, others don’t like using them. Find one who does.

Of course, you always want to make sure your attorney is legally able to practice in your jurisdiction. It is always a good idea to double-check their memberships and standings with local bar associations, too. And, yes, it is okay to ask around and get the input of those individuals you know. Just be sure to do your own research before hiring an attorney.

The Outcome You Seek (And Why You Need to Fight)

Fathers play a huge role in a child’s happiness and are essential for healthy growth. Kids need their dads, whether full time or on a part-time basis. The more time you can spend with your child/children, the more they will benefit in the long run.

Everyone is going to tell you about the odds that may – or may not – be stacked against you. And, they will tell you that you are doing a good job of seeking custody while giving you a look of pity and doubt. Don’t be swayed. Don’t let the opinion of outsides affect your decision to fight for your child/children.

With the right lawyer on your side, your rights – and the rights of your little ones – will be met. That’s what it is all about, isn’t it?

Child Custody Lawyers for Fathers: How to Choose the Best One | SFVBA

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