How to Find the Best Child Custody Lawyer

If you need help fighting for the custody of your child, you need to know how to find the right lawyer for your needs.

Here’s how to find the best child custody lawyer.

how to find the best child custody lawyer

How to Find the Best Child Custody Lawyer

Child custody cases are never easy. Ultimately, both parents usually want what’s best for the child, but sometimes emotions run high or one parent fails in their duty to protect and nurture the child(ren). And sometimes, parents simply can’t agree on where children should live or the particulars of custodianship.

Family law and child custody lawyers help by working between divorced or separated parents to ensure everyone’s needs are met. Whether they help you work together through mediation, or they fight to protect your child from an abusive parent in court, the more effective the lawyer, the more likely you are to be successful.

Let us help you make the right match. Use this short guide to learn how to find the best child custody lawyer, including how to verify licensing, what to look for during a consultation, and how to verify credentials.

Knowing the Details of Your Case

Few child custody cases are exactly the same; some involve divorce, while others involve surrogacy. Others could involve adoption, familial custody arrangements, grandparents rights, or even issues associated with the estate of a deceased parent.

Before you start your search, take a few moments to think about your case, your goals, and what issues have caused you to seek out a lawyer. While most child custody cases will naturally fall under family law, it never hurts to work with a lawyer who also specializes in secondary influences (such as divorce or estate law).

Not sure what you need? That’s okay! Most lawyers provide at least an initial consultation. They are obligated to tell you whether they specialize in your case’s particular area of law, so don’t be afraid to ask.

How to Search for a Child Custody Lawyer

Finding a good child custody lawyer in California isn’t always easy; you have a long list of options to choose from. Furthermore, no two lawyers are exactly the same in quality of work or specialty.

Every attorney brings a little something different to the table, so it makes sense to weigh a few different options before you come to a decision.

Start with a local search. Check your telephone book, watch for signs during your daily commute, or use Google to identify which lawyers practice family law in your local area. This is also a great time to check out online reviews and testimonials to see which lawyers have excelled at providing service to others in the past.

Shortlist the lawyers you find. Then, list their specialties (e.g., family law) and any specific characteristics next to each name (such as time in practice, whether they’re private or in a law firm, and whether they have any other specialties.

Contact each name on the list and ask for a consultation; most will provide up to 30 minutes for free. You do not need to make a decision right away.

What to Look for in a Consultation

As for what you should look for in a consultation? Ultimately, you want to work with a child custody lawyer who makes you feel comfortable, heard, and understood. They should be intelligent, knowledgeable, and understanding, yet upfront enough to be honest with you about your prospects.

Good lawyers are good listeners. If you feel talked over, ignored, or pushed, move on to the next lawyer. While the vast majority of lawyers do have your best interests at heart, some unscrupulous attorneys see dollar signs before altruism.

Lastly, if a lawyer ever suggests illegal action, such as child abduction, refusal to allow visitation or any form of abuse, run. This is not only illegal for you but also considered legal malpractice.

The Benefits of Using a Lawyer Referral Service

Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available when you search for child custody lawyer? Sometimes, it’s best to lean on the expertise of others instead of trying to find a lawyer on your own. Lawyer referral services help you achieve your goals by cross-matching you with lawyers best-suited to your needs or the specifics of your case.

Here’s how it works:

  • You call or write into the referral service
  • An agent asks you basic questions to assess your needs
  • The agent then determines which area of law your case falls under
  • They ask for any special instructions or needs (budget, extra specialties)
  • The service cross-matches you with a shortlist of suitably vetted attorneys

But is it really that much easier than just searching on your own? Absolutely! With just a single call, you can receive a custom-tailored list of results designed specifically to match with your specific case. There’s no need to look up complex legal terms, try and verify a lawyer’s credentials, or feel anxious about whether or not you’re making the right choice.

In fact, all referral services must be licensed and certified to legally provide matching services in the State of California. The Bar oversees this licensing program to ensure matching services truly have your best interests at heart.

Verifying a Lawyer’s Credentials

Whether you choose to strike out on your own or use a lawyer referral service, it’s wise to verify respective lawyers credentials before you pay them a retainer. After all, it’s far easier to trust evidence you can see with your own eyes.

There are a few different ways to prove whether the lawyer your considering is licensed, skilled, and reliable. First, you have the option to contact the State Bar of California at 800-843-9053. The Bar can verify if a lawyer is licensed, whether or not they have any complaints against them, and whether they have ever been sued for malpractice in the past. They can also take a complaint if you believe a lawyer you consult with might be practicing law without a license.

If you use a lawyer referral service, you can also ask the referral service to verify the lawyer’s credentials during your call. You can safely assume that any lawyer recommended by the referral service is certified and licensed. However, this won’t necessarily tell you whether or not the lawyer has any complaints against them, especially if the complaints are recent and or unproven. Searching for reviews online and/or calling the State Bar is an excellent way to fill this gap.

Lastly, and also asked the lawyer to provide you with evidence of their credentials. Most attorneys will have certificates hanging on the wall or at least be able to give you a State Bar licensing number. Some will also provide reviews and/or testimonials, while others may even be able to give references or details of past cases. Stay away from any lawyer who refuses to give you any of this information.

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1 reply
  1. Taylor Bishop says:

    Thanks for going over how someone could find a good child custody lawyer. I’m really glad you mentioned that good lawyers should listen to you so you don’t feel like you’re being talked over. It sounds important to take your time when talking to the attorney to really get a feel for them and see if they will listen to you well.

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