June Attorney Referral Service Recap: 2020

June Attorney Referral Service Recap: 2020 | SFVBA Referral

It’s time for a June attorney referral service recap!

As we come to the end of the month, we must look at all of our resources that help us better understand our legal needs. This means educating ourselves about how to find the best bankruptcy attorney in Los Angeles, the California eviction process during the pandemic, violating child custody orders, and important estate planning tips in a COVID-19 economy.

Read further for more details.

How to Find the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Los Angeles

How to Find the Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Los Angeles | SFVBA Referral

No one looks forward to the prospect of declaring bankruptcy. That’s why most people try to budget and save in the first place. But when life gets in the way, times are tough, and the economy is struggling, it’s easy to get into debt even if you have the best of intentions. And the further you are in debt, the harder it is to get out.

Severe debt is extremely common in the United States. In fact, the average American owes over $8,000 at any given time. Add on medical bills, mortgages, and other life necessities and it can become downright impossible to escape. In fact, carrying a lot of debt might even eventually damage your credit so severely that you can’t rent a place to live, buy a vehicle, or even afford to survive.

Depending on the specifics of your case, bankruptcy might help you to regain control over your finances. However, it is extremely important that you know what you’re getting into before you move forward.

Read the full article.

Your Guide to the California Eviction Process During the Pandemic

California Eviction Process During the Pandemic | SFVBA Referral

Facing eviction is never easy, even in the best of times. But when the threat of being forced out of your home comes in the middle of a pandemic, figuring out a way to handle the issue can feel far more urgent. This is especially true if you are already strapped for cash or struggling to find another place to live.

More Californians than ever before are facing this exact situation. As millions apply for unemployment and social assistance after their jobs all but disappeared overnight, a split is developing in how landlords help them bridge the gap.

Some, including Dennis Beaver of Bakersfield, are working to provide tenants with extensions or relief directly. Others have continued to issue evictions, seeming either unable or unwilling to extend an olive branch.

If you’re facing eviction right now, we want you to know that you have rights. We hope the information here will help you persevere in these trying times.

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Violating Child Custody Orders: What You Need to Know

Violating Child Custody Orders: What to Know | SFVBA Referral

Child custody orders are supposed to give all parties involved in the welfare of a child a better understanding of how to share responsibilities. They provide a framework that limits the need for arguments, confusion, and debate about exactly who cares for the child and when. They also serve as a legally-binding contract and enforceable court order in the eyes of the law.

Yet, violations can, and still do, occur. Sometimes, this is intentional (e.g., parental abduction and kidnapping). In other cases, parents might feel that they have no option but to violate an order, either due to outside influences (such as the COVID-19 lockdown) or because they fear for the safety of a child.

Regardless of the reason, neglecting to adhere to a custody order can have serious consequences for the health and safety of your whole family. We’ll tell you more about what might happen, how to avoid violations, and what to do if your ex violates your custody agreement.

Read the full article.

Estate Planning Tips in a COVID-19 Economy

Estate Planning Tips in a COVID-19 Economy | SFVBA Referral

In a world where the fear of COVID-19 remains ever present, focusing on anything but immediate survival and sanity can be challenging. But leaving important topics like estate planning until it’s too late to address them is risky. This is especially true in a world where any of us could come down with a potentially fatal disease at any time.

If you haven’t paid much attention to estate planning in the past, there’s no better time than right now to get started. But even if you’ve had a plan in place for years, you may need to make adjustments to compensate for our current economy.

Read the full article.


It can be tiresome to find the right information and facts about legal matters. But what we’ve gathered here is a great start to guide you in the right direction. Connect with a lawyer referral service for further assistance.

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