When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

If you’re like most California drivers, you may not know when to hire an attorney after a car accident. There are several situations in which you may want to consider filing a claim in order to help cover the damages.

When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

Have you been injured in a car accident recently?

Whether you’re still in the hospital or recovering at home, you should know that you may have a right to compensation for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and so much more. This is especially true if you were injured as a direct result of another party’s negligence (e.g., a drunk driver or a driver who is caught speeding).

In order to seek compensation, you have to sue the negligent party in the Civil Court of California. Cases can be extremely complex; proving fault isn’t always easy, and representing yourself is rarely advised.

Instead, you should hire a good personal injury lawyer to help you navigate the legal system and fight for your rights. But when exactly is the right time to hire an auto accident lawyer – and how can you find the right one?

We can help.

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Types of Accidents

If you were involved in a particular type of accident, you may want to consider seeking the help of an attorney who specializes in that type of accident.

For example, if you were involved in an accident with a bus, motorcycle, or commercial truck, it may be in your interest to seek an attorney with the experience handling cases related to that particular type of accident.

Working with the best lawyer for your needs is paramount.

The right lawyer will understand the law better than anyone, guide you through the process, and develop a case that supports your claim.

When Should You Hire an Attorney?

The simple answer to this question is “as early as you possibly can.” In fact, if you are injured severely enough to be hospitalized, and you are well enough to make the call, it can be advantageous to hire a lawyer directly from the hospital.

Worried about getting to a lawyer’s office while you are still in recovery? Rest assured, most attorneys will make arrangements to come to you. This ensures you have access to legal assistance without jeopardizing your need for downtime.

When You Can’t Determine Fault

The more complex answer to the previous question is “whenever you believe another person is at fault for your injuries.” But determining where the fault lies isn’t easy, even for lawyers who specialize in personal injury law.

California state law contains a complex constellation of civil court guidelines for determining fault. Any party involved in the event, including the victim, may be found at fault, not at fault, or only partially at fault – and the finding can significantly change the outcome of your case.

Under California’s “comparative fault” law, a party may still seek compensation if they know they are partially at fault. For example, let’s say a man named Ian runs out into an intersection at night, where he is struck by Steven, who ran a red light.

Both parties are clearly at fault (Ian for jaywalking and Steven for running the red light). The judge may decide that each party is 50% at fault, or he may decide that Steven is 75% at fault because pedestrians have the right of way. This can significantly change the amounts awarded in your case.

Because of the interpretive nature of personal injury law, it’s often best to hire a personal injury attorney any time you are injured. Even if you aren’t sure whether the other party is at fault, you may still be entitled to compensation.

How to Find an Attorney After a Car Accident

If you believe you need a personal injury lawyer, you should start your search as promptly as you can. But how exactly do you go about finding an attorney, and how can you be sure the experts you find will really fight for your rights?

  • Don’t Limit Your Search: First, make your search multifaceted. Don’t limit yourself to only searching online or only calling around. Instead, search on multiple platforms to gain a better understanding of who is available to help in your local area.
  • Ask Around: Start by asking friends and family for a personal referral. Someone who fought well for a trusted loved one in the past is much more likely to put in the time and effort to fight well for you, too. Additionally, some attorneys provide referrals of past clients with a small discount in honor of the referral, saving you money.
  • Search Online: 50 years ago, the best way to find a lawyer was to look to the phonebook. This is no longer the case. Today, it makes more sense to search for a lawyer online, where you can read reviews and see the lawyers service menu even before you call. Try searching “car accident attorney in [my city]” on Google, Bing, or Yahoo search, just be aware the onus is on you to verify.
  • Try a Legal Matching Service: Legal referral services take basic information about your case and use it to cross-match you to their pre-vetted and approved database of local lawyers. They are trusted and reliable resources when you need timely and accurate referrals. In fact, the California State Bar licenses all legal matching services, requiring them to adhere to very strict ethics and guidelines.

You do also have the option to call the California State Bar for guidance. However, you should be aware that the Bar is not technically a referral service. In most cases, they will simply refer you out to a legal matching service instead.

Avoiding Scams

Car accident attorney scams are rare in the state of California, mostly due to extremely strict laws governing the legal industry. But there have been situations where criminals and unethical lawyers have tried to take advantage of car accident victims in their time of need. Generally, these individuals and firms give off clear warning signs and red flags.

  • Can’t show proof of active license: If a lawyer refuses to show you proof of licensing, something is wrong. Lawyers are legally required to maintain licensing in order to practice law. Any lawyer whose license is out of date, suspended, or otherwise inactive is not legally permitted to practice law.
  • Demands a deposit first: If you reach out to an attorney online, and they demand a deposit before even meeting you, you may be dealing with a scammer. This is a common occurrence for victims who post on classified sites looking for legal services, where scammers can easily troll for cash.
  • Offers “quick fixes”: There is no such thing as a free or fast lunch in the personal injury world. Any car accident attorney who tells you they can get solutions within a few short days isn’t telling the truth. With the exception of settling out of court, the civil court process itself is inherently longer.

The right time to hire an attorney after a car accident is always “immediately.” Protecting your rights is important. No car accident victim should have to suffer under the weight of recovery, high medical bills, and loss of income at work when someone else is at fault. Use a lawyer referral service to find your best legal match today.

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