Why It’s Important to Create a Holiday Custody Schedule

Why It's Important to Create a Holiday Custody Schedule | SFVBA Referral

The holiday season should be spent with those you care about the most, not bickering over custody-related issues. That’s one of the reasons why creating a holiday custody schedule is crucial to co-parenting.

Continue reading for information on the importance of a holiday custody schedule.


As we are in the thick of the holiday season, it can be tough for those parents who share custody of their children. After all, kids play a big role in making these days special, so it is only natural to want to spend time with them and include them in all the festivities. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, this is not always a possibility.

Whether or not both parents have an amicable relationship doesn’t matter – having a schedule in place will make the holidays much smoother. Let’s take a look at why putting together a custody schedule can play a key role in successful co-parenting.

What is a Holiday Custody Schedule?

A holiday custody schedule is one that breaks down the details of the co-parenting arrangements through the holidays. It will go over who has the children during certain holiday events and others. Travel arrangements, time off of school, custody exchanges, and even gift-giving can be discussed when creating the schedule.

Depending on how you two choose to create the schedule, whether through mediation, ordered by the judge, or agreed upon through open communication, you need to have it in writing and signed by both parties. This way, no one is confused or can claim they didn’t know the plan.

Typically, one parent may get the kids on even years, and the other parent will get the kids on odd years for certain holidays as spelled out in the agreement. That way it alternates every year. For instance, parent A may have the kids for Christmas, and parent B may have them for New Year. Next year, it will switch. They each get to see the kids around the holidays no matter what.

Remember that these schedules are not just for the winter holidays but for holidays throughout the year.

Benefits of Creating a Holiday Custody Schedule

There are many advantages to having a holiday custody schedule in place. Not only does it provide the clarity we discussed above, but it also lets you know way ahead of time the things you need to do to make sure you are prepared for the holiday.

The benefits of having this in place include:

  • Being able to make arrangements and plans because you know whether or not you will have the kids. This includes travel arrangements if living in different areas.
  • There can be no deviation from the plan. It is a court order and can be enforced.
  • It is a fair way to give everyone a chance with their kids during special holidays.
  • One-size-never-fits-all. What may work well for one family may not work so well for yours. If you cannot create your own schedule, the judge will enter an order and you will have to follow that one. It could be much less ideal for your situation.
  • Easier to make changes when a plan has already been created. Your parenting plan is never set in stone. If you see that it isn’t working for you or you’d like to make an exception, you can reach out to your attorney and follow the right steps to adjust it.

Although a schedule won’t mean much to younger children, older kids will appreciate understanding where they are spending their holidays, too. Giving them the clarity they need is only fair.

Challenges That Arise When Creating a Holiday Schedule

It can be quite challenging when you have two parents who share custody trying to create a holiday schedule for their children. And the challenge is even greater if the parents don’t get along.

A few challenges you may face can include:

  • Supervision for children when kids are out of school, but the parent has to work. What if the other parent is off of work and willing? Can you just switch days? What if they will keep the child, but aren’t willing to switch days?
  • If the other parent lives far away, travel arrangements will need to be discussed ahead of time. How will the child get to/from the other parent? Who is responsible for the travel and costs?
  • Agreeing to changes verbally is something that happens frequently and without thought, but without having it in writing, it could backfire – and be potentially damaging. Always make sure every change is officially handled within the court system, if possible.
  • Take the time to address any concerns so both parents can walk away feeling as settled as possible where custody is concerned.

Tips For Creating a Holiday Schedule

  • Create new traditions with your children.
  • Work with an experienced lawyer to ensure you have a holiday custody schedule that works well for everyone involved – most importantly, the kids.
  • Never just take the kids because of your verbal agreement with the other parent. This must be documented, witnessed, officially drawn up in the paperwork, etc. Talk to your attorney before taking this step, as going through the court system is not always possible during holidays. Taking custody when it isn’t your day could set you up for legal trouble should the other parent become spiteful.
  • Find ways to work together, even through a third party, to ensure everyone is on the same page – especially when travel is involved.
  • Solicit support from friends and family. Let them know what is going on and see how they can help. If you have the kids for winter break and you have to work, perhaps grandma may be overjoyed to step up and show them a good time during the times when you can’t. That way, you still get your kids without missing the opportunity.

Hiring a Family Law Attorney

Custody schedules and arrangements are so important. And while you don’t need to get it right the first time, it helps. You can always go back and ask for the arrangement to be modified. So, to ensure that you get the best opportunity for yourself and your kids, it is wise to have an experienced family law attorney.

Your attorney will know how to navigate the challenges and be able to help make suggestions, negotiate, and get you the best options for the custody arrangement so that you can enjoy the holidays stress-free.

Why It's Important to Create a Holiday Custody Schedule | SFVBA Referral

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